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Beekeeping Quiz

Take our fun quiz to learn whether you’re more suited to become a honeybee keeper or a native beekeeper. Results will vary and shouldn’t be used to make any major life decisions.

Question 1/9

During spring and summer, I enjoy...

Question 2/9

If I’ve got extra money, the first thing I would buy is...

Question 3/9

I would describe my muscle strength as...

Question 4/9

If I were to get stung by a bee, my reaction would be...

Question 5/9

My ultimate goal for keeping bees is to...

Question 6/9

When I talk to my neighbors about bees and gardens and things, their reaction is...

Question 7/9

If my bees were to suddenly decide they wanted to live somewhere else, I would...

Question 8/9

On a hot summer’s day, I’d like to spend my time…

Question 9/9

In winter, my favorite thing to do is…

Native Beekeeper

Native beekeeper
Thanks for taking our quiz! Your backyard is a haven for you, and your favorite things to do include relaxing, enjoying the sights and sounds of the garden and entertaining friends and family. You also want to help bees but don’t want to spend a bunch of money doing it. It sounds like you’d make a great native beekeeper! Head over to our Keeping Native Bees page to learn what it takes to get started.

Honeybee Keeper

Native beekeeper
Thanks for taking our quiz! You have a passion for bees and want to help in any way possible. Time and money are easy to come by and the busier you are, the better! You love the idea of being able to make some extra money while doing something you enjoy. It sounds like you’d make a great honeybee keeper! Head over to our Keeping Honeybees page to learn what it takes to get started.