Pacific Madrone
Arbutus menziesii
Native to the region
Partial to full sun
Dry to wet water needs
Zones 6 to 9

Mescal Bean
Sophora secundiflora
Native to the region
Part shade to full sun
Dry to wet water needs
Zones 7 to 10

Desert Willow
Chilopsis linearis
Native to the region
Full sun
Dry to wet water needs
Zones 7 to 10

Whitethorn Acacia
Vachellia constricta
Native to the region
Full sun
Dry water needs
Zones 6 to 10

Black Locust
Robinia pseudoacacia
Native to the region
Full sun
Dry to medium water needs
Zones 3 to 10
Note: Not recommended as a landscape tree. Better suited for unvisited hedgerows and shelterbelts.

Southern Catalpa
Catalpa bignonioides
Native to the region
Partial to full sun
Medium to wet water needs
Zones 5 to 9

Tulip Tree
Liriodendron tulipifera
Native to the region
Full shade to full sun
Medium to wet water needs
Zones 5 to 9