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Photo by pointnshoot / CC BY 2.0

Douglas Meadowfoam

Limnanthes douglasii

Native to the region

Part shade to full sun
Medium to wet water needs
Zones 6 to 9

Photo by Joe Decruyenaere / CC BY-SA 2.0

Wild Canterbury Bells

Phacelia minor

Native to the region

Full sun
Dry water needs
Zones 6 to 10

Photo by TANAKA Juuyoh (田中十洋) / CC BY 2.0

Baby Blue Eyes

Nemophila menziesii

Native to the region

Part shade to full sun
Medium water needs
Zones 6 to 10

Photo by Judy Gallagher / CC BY 2.0

California Poppy

Eschscholzia californica

Native to the region

Full sun
Dry, drought tolerant
Zones 3 to 10

Photo by tdlucas5000 / CC BY-SA 2.0

Bachelor Button

Centaurea cyanus

Full sun
Medium water needs
Zones 3 to 10



Salvia columbariae

Native to the region

Full sun
Dry water needs
Zones 6 to 10

Photo by Hans Braxmeier / CC0 Public Domain

Desert Bluebells

Phacelia campanularia

Native to the region

Full sun
Dry water needs
Zones 4 to 10

Photo by Jeevan Jose / CC BY-SA 4.0


Cosomos sulphureus

Full sun
Dry to medium water needs
Zones 3 to 10

Photo by whologwhy / CC BY 2.0


Ocimum basilicum

Full sun
Medium water needs
Zones 4 to 10


Black-Eyed Susan

Rudbeckia hirta

Native to the region

Full sun
Medium water needs
Zones 4 to 10


Common Sunflower

Helianthus annus

Native to the region

Full sun
Dry water needs
Zones 3 to 10


Western Vervain

Verbena lasiostachys

Native to the region

Full sun
Dry water needs
Zones 4 to 10


California Milkweed

Asclepias californica

Native to the region

Part shade to full sun
Medium water needs
Zones 3 to 11


Silvery Lupine

Lupinus argenteus

Native to the region

Full sun
Dry water needs
Zones 6 to 9


Ledge Stonecrop

Rhodiola integrifolia

Native to the region

Part shade
Medium water needs
Zones 6 to 9


Common Yarrow

Achillea millefolium

Native to the region

Part shade to full sun
Medium water needs
Zones 3 to 9

Photo by momo / CC BY 2.0

Summer Lupine

Lupinus formosus

Native to the region

Full sun
Medium water needs
Zones 6 to 10

Photo by wplynn / CC BY-ND 2.0

Golden Columbine

Aquilegia chrysantha

Partial to full sun
Wet water needs
Zones 3 to 10

Photo by Phil Sellens / CC BY 2.0


Prunella vulgaris

Native to the region

Part shade to full sun
Medium to wet water needs
All zones

Photo by Joshua Mayer / CC BY-SA 2.0

Prairie Blazing Star

Liatris pycnostachya

Full sun
Dry to medium water needs
Zones 3 to 9

Photo by Katja Schulz / CC BY 2.0

Desert Marigold

Baileya multiradiata

Native to the region

Full sun
Dry, drought tolerant
Zones 6 to 10



Agastache ssp.

Native to the region

Partial to full sun
Wet water needs
Zones 3 to 10

Photo by Brett Hondow / CC0 Public Domain

Blanket Flower

Gaillardia pinnatifida

Native to the region

Full sun
Dry water needs
Zones 6 to 10

Photo by Tony Alter / CC BY 2.0


Rosmarinus officinalis

Full sun
Dry, drought tolerant
Zones 7 to 10

Photo by Alex Galt, USFWS / CC BY 2.0


Monarda fistulosa

Native to the region

Partial to full sun
Dry to medium water needs
Zones 3 to 10


Purple Prairie Clover

Dalea purpurea

Full sun
Dry water needs
Zones 3 to 9



Salvia officinalis

Full sun
Dry, drought tolerant
Zones 3 to 10

Photo by Patrick Standish / CC BY 2.0

Common Snowberry

Symphoricarpos albus

Native to the region

Partial to full sun
Medium water needs
Zones 3 to 7

Photo by Tristan Loper / CC BY 2.0

California Lilac

Ceanothus ssp.

Native to the region

Partial to full sun
Dry to medium water needs
Zones 4 to 10

Photo by Jean / CC BY 2.0

Strawberry Tree

Arbutus unedo

Native to the region

Partial to full sun
Medium water needs
Zones 7 to 10

Photo by Mike James / CC BY 2.0


Cleome isomeris

Native to the region

Full sun
Dry, drought tolerant
Zones 6 to 10

Photo by brewbooks / CC BY-SA 2.0

Pacific Madrone

Arbutus menziesii

Native to the region

Partial to full sun
Dry to wet water needs
Zones 6 to 9

Photo by Ken Bosma / CC BY 2.0

Mescal Bean

Sophora secundiflora

Native to the region

Part shade to full sun
Dry to wet water needs
Zones 7 to 10


Desert Willow

Chilopsis linearis

Native to the region

Full sun
Dry to wet water needs
Zones 7 to 10


Whitethorn Acacia

Vachellia constricta

Native to the region

Full sun
Dry water needs
Zones 6 to 10

Photo by red.raleigh / CC BY 2.0

Black Locust

Robinia pseudoacacia

Native to the region

Full sun
Dry to medium water needs
Zones 3 to 10

Note: Not recommended as a landscape tree. Better suited for unvisited hedgerows and shelterbelts.

Photo by Stephen Horvath ​/ CC BY-ND​ ​2.0

Southern Catalpa

Catalpa bignonioides

Native to the region

Partial to full sun
Medium to wet water needs
Zones 5 to 9

Photo by stanze​ ​/ CC BY-SA 2.0

Tulip Tree

Liriodendron tulipifera

Native to the region

Full shade to full sun
Medium to wet water needs
Zones 5 to 9


Yellow Bells

Tecoma stans

Native to the region

Full sun
Dry water needs
Zones 7 to 11

Photo by David~O / CC BY 2.0

Indigo Bush

Dalea greggii

Native to the region

Partial to full sun
Dry water needs
Zones 6 to 10

Photo by Dinesh Valke / CC BY-SA 2.0

Fairy Duster

Calliandra conferta

Part shade
Dry water needs
Zones 6 to 11


Bee Bush

Aloysia gratissima

Native to the region

Partial to full sun
Wet water needs
Zones 7 to 10