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Clasping Coneflower

Dracopis amplexicaulis

Native to the region

Part shade
Wet water needs
Zones 2 to 11

Photo by Judy Gallagher / CC BY 2.0

California Poppy

Eschscholzia californica

Native to the region

Full sun
Dry, drought tolerant
Zones 3 to 10

Photo by tdlucas5000 / CC BY-SA 2.0

Bachelor Button

Centaurea cyanus

Full sun
Medium water needs
Zones 3 to 10

Photo by Jeevan Jose / CC BY-SA 4.0


Cosomos sulphureus

Full sun
Dry to medium water needs
Zones 3 to 10

Photo by whologwhy / CC BY 2.0


Ocimum basilicum

Full sun
Medium water needs
Zones 4 to 10


Partridge Pea

Chamaecrista fasciculata

Native to the region

Partial to full sun
Dry to wet water needs
Zones 3 to 9


Black-Eyed Susan

Rudbeckia hirta

Native to the region

Full sun
Medium water needs
Zones 4 to 10


Common Sunflower

Helianthus annus

Native to the region

Full sun
Dry water needs
Zones 3 to 10

Photo by Brenda Loveless / Unrestricted

Lanceleaf Blanketflower

Gaillardia aestivalis

Native to the region

Full sun
Dry to medium water needs
Zones 5 to 9